I'm often met with this expression when I tell people that I'm a copywriter.

What is copywriting anyway

Usually closely followed by a variation of "Ohhhh....so legal stuff yeah?"

Well. No. Not quite. Although copywriters can be very useful for the legal profession too.

In a nutshell, copy is the words that connects with your intended audience, builds awareness and trust, then leads them to take the desired action. This action might be signing up to your email list, supporting a cause, attending an event or hitting the all-important “Buy It Now” button.

Copy comes in many forms, and we often don't recognise it when we see it.

Copy can be

  • words in a brochure
  • a product description
  • a tagline
  • a well-crafted LinkedIn profile
  • website content
  • a flyer
  • the very important tool that the Google Gods use to find you

and the list goes on.

But no matter which form it takes, effective copy is essential to your business.

In these days of shortened attention spans and instant gratification, your copy needs

  • to grab your browser's attention
  • build a connection with them quickly and
  • tell them what to do next

If the visitor to your site, brochure, profile etc is at all unsure about how you can help them and what their next action is, they will immediately move onto your competitor.

We have all experienced this confusion when researching a product or service. If the provider makes it too hard to connect with and buy their product or service, then we look elsewhere. We are all simply too busy and so are your potential customers and clients.

My sole purpose as your copywriter is to provide you with the words that will mean that special something to your specific audience.

I achieve this through targeted research, clear processes and a collaborative approach with you to make sure your target market feels truly understood and knows that you are the answer to their problem.

I'd love to help you take your business to the next level simply through the power of words.