LinkedIn profiles

These babies pack a punch. 

Trust me when I say that if your LinkedIn profile resembles your resume, then quite simply, you're wasting a wonderful opportunity. 

LinkedIn is one of THE places to create awareness, build trust and attract new clients. 

If you're after a profile that tells your story, shows off your wonderful personality and has your visitors unable to resist connecting with you, then I've got you covered.


 LinkedIn profile (personal) $397


  • comprehensive questionnaire or 30min briefing call
  • headline (up to 220 characters)
  • About section (up to 2600 characters)
  • guidance on profile optimisation

LinkedIn profile (company) $397


  • comprehensive questionnaire or 30min briefing call
  • tagline (up to 120 characters)
  • Description section (up to 2000 characters)
  • guidance on profile optimisation

LinkedIn profile package $949


  • 2 x personal profiles
  • 1 x company profile


LinkedIn content creation and strategy

LinkedIn content package $997


  • 60min briefing call
  • content strategy document including content pillars and 3-4 customer personas explaining their expectations, fears and perceived barriers around working with your business  
    • Customer personas are fictitious characters that are representative of your customer base. They're a key factor for success in future content creation including blogs, websites, social media posts and physical marketing collateral
  • 8 short form LinkedIn posts (1 month of targeted content if posting twice a week)
  • two rounds of amendments
  • proofreading

LinkedIn post package $499 (not available before content strategy completion)


  • 8 short form LinkedIn posts (1 month of targeted content if posting twice a week)
  • two rounds of amendments
  • proofreading