SEO copywriting services ballarat 3

Fancy term but what does it mean?


Simply put, effective SEO copywriting stops potential customers from having to play Where's Wally to find you in their search results.

The truth is that no one (outside of the hallowed halls of Google) knows EXACTLY how the search engine machines work. If someone guarantees you a page one search result in record time, they're more interested in the invoices they can send you, than getting you genuine and lasting results.


Google penalises dodgy "black hat" SEO tactics (keyword stuffing, backlink farming, thin content etc) so while they may generate an initially positive result, the Google machine usually catches on leaving you worse off from where you began.


As your SEO copywriter I only use "white hat" SEO tactics (keyword optimisation, considered backlink building, comprehensive content strategies etc) to help improve your site's visibility. It takes more time and effort, but the results will leave you in Google's good books rather than the naughty corner.


From engineers to E-commerce, SEO copywriting truly is the secret sauce to taking your business to the next level.


Through creating copy that is specifically targeted towards what your clients are searching for and how you can help them, your site can be front and centre the moment you're needed.


Whether you don't know your title tags from your meta descriptions, or you have a fully planned out content strategy ready to go, I'm ready to help.

So let's appease the algorithms and watch your site become BFF's with Google.


Three page website $1099


  • 60min briefing session (Zoom or phone)
  • Background and competitor research
  • Basic keyword research
  • Up to 400 words of keyword optimised copy for three pages (eg Home, About, Services) 
  • Keyword optimised H1s, H2s, URLs and image name suggestions
  • Title tags and meta descriptions
  • Skeleton draft, first draft, two rounds of amends and proofreading